Reading Amos as a Book

Karl Möller, Reading Amos as a Book

Grove Biblical Series, 74; Cambridge: Grove Books, 2014

All too often the message of Amos is broken up and read in pieces – either devotionally, so that we know only the ‘purple passages,’ or academically, separating Amos’s original message from its later editing.


But reading it as a whole opens up powerful new understandings. We see Amos’s passion as he tries to persuade a complacent people to wake up to God’s judgment and grace – a message we desperately need to hear in our own day.

Liz Shercliff, The Preacher

Möller presents the prophet in such a way that I immediately wanted to re-read the biblical text. … As well as presenting a different view of Amos, Möller includes Questions for Reflection at the end of each chapter. For a preacher presented with a text from Amos this little book will provide a useful starting point.


  1. Getting Started
  2. An Opening Trap (Amos 1-2)
  3. Passionate Dialogue with a Late Audience (Amos 3.1-5.17)
  4. Woes and Throes (Amos 5.18-6.14)
  5. Visions of the End (Amos 7-9)
  6. Reading Amos: Some Conclusions
  7. Suggestions for Further Reading

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